UAE investment environment

UAE investment environment

  1. UAE investment environment

UAE investment environment

Source: United Arab Emirates Ministry of Economy

As the cumulative Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows remain on the rise, the UAE continues to attract substantial investments as the world’s 15th biggest recipient of FDI in 2020, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNICTAD). The UAE is ranked as the most attractive country for investments in West Asia, Middle East and North Africa regions.
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy of the UAE, the country provides significant incentives to investors and offers an advantageous business environment as the top investment hub in the region.

Effective government strategies
The UAE Government has ambitious strategic development objectives, and realises its vision through wise policies and initiatives that aim to drive the economy and foster happy societies. These development plans were accompanied by exceptional projects for more than half a century, even as it aspires for a more diversified, competitive and adaptable economy based on science and innovation. The UAE’s future endeavors are spearheaded by inclusive strategies towards achieving a digital and knowledge-based economy.
Diversified and competitive economy
The UAE made tremendous efforts in economic and social development to transform its simple economy into a modern, advanced, open and competitive economy. Over the last 50 years, the UAE managed to increase its GDP more than 247 times (AED 1.6 trillion compared to AED 6.5 billion when the union was established), reducing the contribution of oil to the GDP to less than a third, compared to more than 90% in 1971.
Strategic infrastructure and location
The government has pumped investments and capital into major public transport and renewable energy projects that have become key pillars in the new economic milieu. The UAE has 10 major airports, 12 seaports, an unrivalled network of roads and bridges, and 6 national carriers connecting to over 200 cities worldwide. This enables 33% of the world’s population to reach the UAE within 4 hours, and 66% to access the country within 8 hours.
Ease of doing business
The UAE created a modern investment environment and set policies that facilitate and speed up the establishment of companies through electronic platforms, and promoted its attractiveness by issuing amendments to the Companies Law. These efforts resulted in maintaining an advanced position in the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ index, ranking 16th out of 190 countries in 2019. The country also ranked 1st in terms of business efficiency, 2nd in terms of government efficiency, and 7th on economic performance index.
Trustworthy investment hub
The UAE has also joined the top 20 countries considered trustworthy, ranking 15th in Kearney’s 2021 Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index. The review of business environment laws such as the Commercial Companies Law has resulted in boosting investor appetite in the UAE and making it one of the destinations of choice for international investors.
Advanced ratings by global agencies
In 2020, the UAE achieved a rating of “AA-” from Fitch Ratings Inc., thanks to government support and a decrease in public debt. That same year – which is looked upon as being the most challenging globally – the UAE was also able to achieve a rating of “Aa2” with a stable outlook for the national economy from Moody’s Investors Service. Reflecting its robust sectors and economic stability, this is considered the highest sovereign ranking in the region.
Effective government strategies

Efficient government services
Government entities provide investors and entrepreneurs with smart, easy and interactive government services which can be availed at any time and from anywhere through their smartphones. The digital transformation that began more than a decade ago at the government level has been extremely successful and this is reflected in the investors’ satisfaction and the ease of establishing businesses. This digital transformation journey qualified the UAE government to rank 1st in the Arab world and 8th globally, in the Smart Services Index.

Impartial legal and judicial system
The UAE prohibits monopolisation and fosters competitiveness through an advanced system of modern and effective laws and legislations that ensure a safe investment environment, where regulations that enhance economic stability are implemented. Moreover, it ensures fair market competition and impartiality to all parties, be it investors, inventors, authors, innovators, owners of intellectual property rights, trademarks or agencies. The UAE also maintains a fair judicial system that guarantees rights and the rule of law.
Regional hub for global companies
The UAE hosts the largest number of regional headquarters in the Middle East, and is constantly looked upon as an ideal country for engaging in commercial and investment activities. The nation’s advanced infrastructure, cutting-edge communications, and government support make it a fitting environment for international companies to manage their regional offices from the UAE. The country has long constituted an ideal window from which global corporations can oversee their business activities.
Open, multicultural society
A safe place to reside and conduct business activities and a preferred tourist destination, the UAE embodies tolerance, mutual respect, multi-culturalism, and diversity. The country firmly embraces freedom of belief and religion, hosting close to 200 nationalities and ensuring the wellbeing of all its residents by providing exceptional healthcare services, and an educational system that caters to various academic curricula.
Global hub for startups
The UAE has emerged as a prominent hub for start-ups. The government supports innovative entrepreneurship and offers business accelerators, financing services, and sponsorship programmes to entrepreneurs from around the world. The Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector in the UAE is witnessing notable development and growth, and various small companies established here have evolved into remarkably successful businesses within a short span of time, many of which have also been acquired through multi-billion-dirham deals.
Junction for world investors
The UAE serves as a dynamic communication channel for businesses and entrepreneurs on both regional and global levels. As a vibrant hub of major global events, it hosts some of the most renowned industry-specific exhibitions, prestigious conferences and other notable events. The country’s advanced infrastructure supports numerous exhibitions all round the year, bringing together investors and influencers from around the globe.
No income tax or corporate tax
More than 135 double tax agreements have been signed with countries spread over the five continents, including the UAE trading partners. This allows investors and workers to enjoy the absence of personal income tax and corporate taxes. The UAE is actively signing new agreements with countries of the world.
Talent and skilled labour incubators
The UAE has skilled, multicultural and diverse talents and workforce. Arabic and English are the main languages at work, and the UAE looks forward to becoming the first incubator for highly skilled professionals and talented workforces across all dynamic economic sectors.
Protection and promotion investments
To improve its development goals, the UAE signed 101 agreements to protect and encourage investments. With a network of the UAE’s key trade partners, these agreements aim to protect investments from all non-commercial risks like nationalisation, expropriation, sequestration and freezing. They also aim to allow the establishment of investments and licensing such investments and confirm the free transfer of profits and other returns in a freely transferable currency, as well as granting national treatment in accordance with the laws enforced in the UAE, and other objectives that ensure the protection and encouragement of investments in the UAE.

Source: Investment Environment – Ministry of Economy UAE